When payments are marked as "Held for Review" or "Pending Approval" we'll flag those with Processor Review so you know to confirm with your processor that funds were received. If they weren't, make sure you process a refund in Peoplevine to reverse the charge.

You will see this on both the list of transactions as well as the transaction details.

If you are processing payments through Authorize.net, you will want to adjust a few settings. Start by clicking on the Account tab.

You will notice several settings that need to be updated. In the Fraud Detection Suite, look for transaction IP Velocity Filter. Since Peoplevine has this built in, we suggest you disable this feature. Keep in mind, when we run your membership dues we will send 100's of transactions to your processor at once.

Under Address Verification settings, make sure you set all to Allow except for AVS data provided is invalid. When dealing with members clubs and agreements, you are less likely to encounter fraud compared to running an ecommerce business.

As we did with the IP Address Filter, disable the Daily Velocity Filter as our dues billing engine will exceed that threshold when running dues.

Lastly, make sure you have disabled the CCV Hanlding Filter. Since we are unable to store this value, monthly dues may fail as the value is not provided when charging. You can test enabling it, but only fail if invalid, however this may decline transactions where the CCV is not provided.